
August 2024
Dear Intex Management Institute,
I am extremely glad that I have successfully completed my Course on Project Planning and Management. The learning experience was truly transformative and innovative.
Despite the challenges of unfavorable network and time factors on my side during the studies, my extensive experience with Intex Management Institute was inspirational. I gained valuable new insights that directly enhanced my role as a potential Project Manager in the labor market.
However, be informed that I have already received my Certificates that you sent from Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) some days ago. Since obtaining this Certification, I am optimistic to improve team collaboration and project success. I am also now better equipped for career advancements including potential salary hikes and new windows of employment opportunities sooner than later.
Thank you so much for your technical support. May God bless you.
Your sincerely,
Joseph Taban Lazarous.
Intex institute of management studies was my best action taken in the year 2021, according to Wikipedia, learning is defined as a process of acquiring new understanding,knowledge,behaviors,skills,values,attitudes,and preferences. Hence, the diploma course has given me new knowledge ,skills ,attitudes,and  new understanding in managing people and projects as chief of the field office. Learning is a lifetime and is part of human transformation as we learn through the following forms: visual,auditory,reading & writing,and Kinesthetic. I particularly appreciated the institute and the team for;
1. Enhanced,comprehensive and relevant modules provided
2. Timely feedback and marking of assignment 
3. Thoughts provoking assignments that compelled me to research beyond what is in the module as well final project write up
Finally, i recommend it for working professionals especially in humanitarian and development setting 
Thanks so much and continue developing humans to fit the changing contexts
Shadrach Maper Adong
Chief of field office, Kuajok field office ,UNICEF South Sudan


Dear Intex Mgt Team,

I thank you for giving me the opportunity to refresh my understanding with the online courses you offer. I am pleased that I have learnt a lot on Grant Mgt. The knowledge I have learnt as you hinted will be very useful to me in as far as delivering my services to the communities we serve is concerned.

In a nutshell, I will state that the following are some of the positives I have taken from the Online Training with Intex Mgt Institute;

  1. The Grant Mgt package is very good and contains all the necessary modules needed to capacity-build a staff;
  2. The response on assignments and other queries from the Team is worthy;
  3. Your sternness in re-aligning the research topic with the course being studied is good. And this is what I did. I can now see the difference between grant mgt theories and real grant mgt process;
  4. Your tuition fee is pretty responsive as compared to others;
  5. Your firmness with awarding marks is a sign of professionalism.

Where you can improve are as follows;

  1. Your Facebook page seemed inactive. Think about making it lively with your students;
  2. Include courses in Agribusiness et al. There have been staff who asked about them;
  3. Include previously recorded training sessions on Grant Mgt on YouTube so that those who can get them follow.

To end with, I say once more, thank you for the chance to learn from Intex Mgt Institute. I look forward to apply for another short online course to continue to freshen my knowledge and skills.


Pentecoste- South Sudan


My learning experience with Intex Management Institute was a very memorable moment. Indeed, I learned a lot about Monitoring and Evaluation thanks to the quality of the course content but also to the detailed explanations of the supervisors who always showed professionalism. I know that my level in English is average but I found that the texts and writings were very accessible and digestible. I would like to express my satisfaction for having taken these courses. I have not regretted taking these courses. I have already started sharing my experience with other friends. I remain convinced that if there was a French department, the French-speaking people would be very numerous to participate. Finally, I would like to congratulate and encourage you for the efforts you are making to support the training of development agents.

Please accept the expression of my deep and sincere gratitude.

Mamadou Coulibaly - Senegal


The monitoring and evaluation online diploma course (M&E) from Intex Management Institute has made a profound impact on my work as Programme Manager in the following ways: The course has helped me with the necessary tools to assess the crucial link between implementers and beneficiaries on the ground and decision-makers. This has helped our beneficiaries to own our implemented projects in the Southern Region of Sierra Leone: Bo, Bonthe, Moyamba and Pujehun Districts. Based on the healthy relationship between Caritas SL Bo and her beneficiaries I will explicitly say  that the course has provided a more robust basis for raising funds and influencing policy. Donor visits to project sites has resulted in new projects and policies made based on beneficiary feedback. The course also helps in revealing mistakes I have been making in managing projects. I learned that an untrained Manager can damage implementing projects.  The course has offered  paths for learning and improvements. The course has provided me with the sense of careful coordination and control in terms of timing, precedence, cost, and performance. Today I can efficiently and effectively coordinate other projects being carried out by Caritas SL Bo of which I am the Programme Manager.I sincerely want to say a big thank you to the Institute for the training.

However, I would like management to think about the time of the course and the load of information to be covered for each assignment. I will suggest an extension of time for the final assignment.

 Thomas Johnny, Caritas Bo, Sierra Leone

Thank you for the opportunity that I received from Intex Management Institute to undertake studies in Dip PH. 
The program enlightened me in many aspects I believe will help me carry out my work more effectively in the field of medicine in relation to public health, also considering the current global Covid-19 pandemic the world is facing.
The study material and content was very educative including the feedback which I really appreciate so much as I received updates frequently on each assignment marked by your team.
Once again my sincere gratitude for the research study as an EMS personnel I felt venturing into a study focusing in this field will be of benefit especially to the developing countries, through your guidance I am sure we will make it better.
Asante Sana!
Best regards,
Nelson Chakanza
Dip Public Health Student.


It's my pleasure to be part of intex management institute, I learned a lot from you and the entire team. and hope for the best in search of new opportunities for living. 
Ayuen Isaiah Arok | 

 Project Officer - MEAL

Catholic  Relief Services - CRS

South Sudan


My Experience During the training.

  • Learning is simple because the modules are well summaries.
  • I also find that the pictures or photos used are clear that helps to illustrate the real examples
  • The timing of the training gives enough time to prepare assignment on time for submission.
  • I also find that it is very easier to read and understand without the direct help of the teacher.
  • It also enables me to read at free times from my work place especially during lunch hours than going for face books and other thing that do not build my capacity.
  • I was also mandated or given the opportunity to ask to any thing that I did not understand from the Couse modules.

Yes it is helpful and as I write to you I have knowledge on environmental health, water borne diseases, engaging communities in wash activities and many more other therefore the Couse has very vital significance on my live hence it has built for me a field of professionalism.

The marked assignments are not bad they are all okay with me because the marks awarded are base at the concept express at each question.

The response to queries and feedbacks are always absolutely fine and there is nothing to dispute about because everything has a process to go through


Munuki Block B Juba south Sudan ,

The great challenge of the course was the English language, however as the course progressed I 
tried to overcome myself. The first time I looked for the M&E course was due to job opportunities
that I had been receiving in the project area, so I decided to try to venture into the M&E area.
As the course progressed, I began to understand the real importance and need for M&E in the 
management of projects, programs.The training was very good, the knowledge acquired will be
applied not only in the area of project management but also in the day to day.The training was very
well prepared with very explicit chapters that were well framed.The instructors were available at
all times to clarify any doubts. Their appointments were fair although at some point I did not give
a maximum score (10) for a question even though I answered very well,The money was well invested
without a doubt, investing in education is always a good investment.

Lúcio Ernesto da Conceição Chumbitico.

Monitoring and Evaluation
Mozambique, Maputo.


Dear Madam, I would like to extend my gratitude and thanks to INTEX institute for supporting me in this training by sending modules in time ,giving feedbacks , comments , references for improvement and encouragement after every assignment. All these efforts made me motivated and to accomplished this training. I learnt a lot of knowledge and information in WASH hard ware component in terms of construction and acquired new information in hygiene that I am going to put in practice in my daily work in the field. I have increase my knowledge in community mobilization and facilitation of meetings. All the topics included in the training were significant to my work . I really enjoyed the training and proud to say that my team are going to benefit from the knowledge I acquired from this training. I am looking forward to do another training in different area.



MEDIAR - South Sudan


Dear Janet, 

I thank you all for your support in my online training of this certificate course  and to be honest  I  have learnt a lot and will do me a lot good in my work now and forever.
Dolly Williams
Caritas Bo - Sierra Leone
Hello Janet,

Many thanks for the efforts you have put in this training, I really benefited from it and looking forward for more trainings.

Many thanks and best regards,
Ashraf Al Sa'adoni 
Economic Security Department
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)  
Gaza Sub-Delegation,Al-Rimal, Shuhada St. 56/706.


Dear Janet, 

Indeed, the training was very interesting, and has help me sharpened my professional both work and my private life in the field of community development. I am proud of the skills/knowledge which I will translate into action. I have learned so much from the modules you do share with me as well comments I always received from your able tutors, for their insights was notable from my side. 

My appreciation to the intex management institute and the staff. 

Best regards, 


UNHCR – South Sudan


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