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Intex Management Institute in partnership with Summit International Institute - University offers Online and Distance Learning Diploma Course in Community Development

Start Date: 13th  March 2025

Course End Date: 15th January 2026

Registration Deadline: 12th March 2025


Community Development Course

Community development has evolved over the past few decades into a recognized discipline of interest to both practitioners and academicians. However, community development is defined in many different ways. Most practitioners think of community development as an outcome – physical, social, and economic improvement in a community – while most academicians think of community development as a process – the ability of communities to act collectively and enhancing the ability to do so. This Manual defines community development as both a process and an outcome and explains the relationship between the two while highlighting the process of Community Development..

The aim of this course

To enable the learner gain an understanding of the skills necessary to work effectively in community development work.

 Course Outline

 Module One

  1. Basic Concepts in Community Development
  2. Principles of Community Development
  3. Developing: A Process
  4. Community Organizational Structure
  5. Strategies for Community Capacity Building, Mobilization and Empowerment
  6. Promoting Participation among Diverse Groups
  7. Cross Cutting Issues in Community Development
  8. Methods of Conducting Potential Participants
  9. Involving Key Influential in the Group
  10. Involving People Most Affected By the Problem
  11. Identifying and Analyzing Stakeholders and Their Interests
  12. Building Capacity for Community and System Change
  13. Evaluating Comprehensive Community Initiatives
  14. Lessons Learned On Community Organization and Change
  15. Framework for Addressing Community Goals and Problems
  16. Understanding Culture and Diversity

Module two

  1.  Developing a Plan for Assessing Local Needs and Resources
  2. Understanding and Describing the Community
  3. Conducting Public Forums and Listening Sessions
  4. Collecting Information about the Problem
  5. Analyzing the Community Problem
  6. Conducting Focus Groups
  7. Conducting Needs Assessment Surveys
  8. Identifying Community Assets and Resources
  9. Developing Baseline Measures of Behaviors
  10. SWOT Analysis
  11. Developing and Using Criteria and Processes to Set Priorities
  12. Strategies for Community Change and Improvement: An Overview
  13. Community (Locality) Development
  14. Social Planning and Policy Change
  15. Social Action
  16. Coalition Building

Module Three

  1. Principles of Advocacy
  2. Survival Skills for Advocates
  3. Understanding the Issue
  4. Recognizing Allies
  5. Developing a Plan for Advocacy
  6. Using Social Media for Digital Advocacy
  7. Lobbying Decision Makers
  8. Conducting A Petition Drive
  9. Seeking a Negotiator, a Mediator or a Fact Finder
  10. Seeking Funding For Community Projects
  11. Introduction to Grant Management
  12. Developing a Plan for Financial Sustainability
  13. Establishing Micro-Grant Programme
  14. Creating a Business Plan
  15. Outline for writing a grant application for Funding
  16. Writing a Grant

 Module 4

  1. Women and Social construction of Gender
  2. Sex, Gender roles and Gender Equality
  3. Conflict Resolution
  4. Types of Interventions to Enhance women income and Productivity
  5. Groups and Self Help Groups
  6. Women and Labor: Sexual Division of Labor
  7. Women in Organized Sector Case
  8. Meaning and Classification of disasters
  9. Disaster management Cycle
  10. Disaster management Recent trends
  11. Disaster prevention
  12. Vulnerability Analysis and Risk Assessment
  13. Resource analysis and Mobilization
  14. Disaster mitigation and preparedness
  15. Community Based Disaster Management

Course Outcome

By the end of training the learners will have knowledge on how to:

  • Implement and develop community programs
  • Support community actions
  • Support and develop community leadership
  • Lead community engagement to enhance participation
  • Implement strategies for community development
  • Promote and manage diversity

Who should attend

The course is designed for project development managers, project leaders and team leaders, NGO staff, Community offers and leaders involved in implementing and designing community based programs.

Course Organizers

Intex Management Institute was registered in 1983. We have been offering a wide range of Human Resource Management training programs both online and open workshops, building capacity to enhance effective service delivery for NGOs, CBOs, Public and Private sector.

Currently we are training participants from various organizations such as UNDP – Burundi, World Food Programme – Zimbabwe, Red Cross – South Sudan, State Ministry of Education – South Sudan, MEDAIR – South Sudan, Norwegian Refugee – Liberia, Zenab for Women Development - Sudan, Action AID, Word Health Organization, AMREF, USAID, National AIDs Control Council, International Committee of the Red Cross among others.

Training methodology:

•          All training materials will be availed through online or distance learning.

•          You are expected to submit assignments via email

•          You will receive feedback from our committed instructors.

•          Learn at your own time schedule

•          At the end of the course you will be issued with a certificate.


Other requirements

You will be required to use email, upload and download documents in MS-Word format.

Learning materials

Course materials and Assignments will be provided at the beginning of the course.

Course exercises

Students are required to test their own learning by completing exercises and tasks for each unit of the course.

Course Assignments
In order to demonstrate their understanding of the course content, students will be required to submit 9 Assignments and a Research Project Paper.


Benefits to Our Learners

  • Have confidence that the Course is credible and has high standards from a credible University
  • Know their programme has been designed at the right level, meets its intended outcomes and its assessment methods are robust, secure and appropriate
  • On successful completion they gain Authenticated Diploma from Summit International Institute a chartered University in Burundi
  • Certificate with Summit International Institute branding and, a global leader in training that adds permanent value to their learning
  • Graduands will attend Graduation Ceremony at Summit International Institute - University at Bujumbura - Burundi during the month of December. Date will be communicated to the graduands


Course Duration       :       40 Weeks (10Months)

Target Region             :       Global

Course Fee                  :       USD 600

Language                     :      English

General Contact         :      

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