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Baseline and Market Surveys

We do Baseline and Market Surveys in:


  • Employee Satisfaction Surveys
  • Work Environment Surveys
  • Customer Satisfaction Surveys
  • Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevalence Surveys
  • Corruption Prevalence Surveys
  • Salary Surveys
  • Training Needs Assessment Survey
  • Disability Policy Mainstreaming
  • Exit Surveys

Intex View

With the success of any organization dependent upon its employees, Intex Services believes it is important to regularly survey employees to identify the organizational climate and to actively involve employees when making improvements in the work environment. A customized employee opinion survey will be created with an emphasis on job satisfaction and targeted to identify trends and needed changes to improve the work environment.

Intex Services will then conduct an analysis of the results and develop a trend report with recommendations. Our team will facilitate training with key leaders of the company to review the concept of organizational design and employee performance.

Successful organizations are those who are committed to evaluating employee feedback and making necessary changes over time to continuously improve the operations and quality of work life.

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